Step three – rebuild.

2028 through 'til for ever.

When we – the people - are properly back in charge, equality has been restored, we’ve learned how to be grown-ups again and we’ve got our carbon emissions back under control, then, and only then can we start to rebuild.

But we need to build back better. Much better. Community ownership. Sustainable, secure livelihoods. Education. Innovation.

Principle 1 – Sustainability.

Starting from 1 tonne CO2e per person per year, and with a moratorium on new raw mineral extraction. Refresh sets the foundations for sustainability, Re-start builds that into truly sustainable, fully circular society. Limited fossil fuel use should rapidly become zero.

Principle 2 – Co-operate.

Local businesses, local services, local distinctiveness, local governance. England is the birth place of the co-operative movement as set out in the Rochdale Principles. Again, down to local decision to interpret, but you will own what you do. You own the services that supply you. You own the infrastructure. You own the manufacture. You own the distribution. Quality and care become things you are proud of, that distinguish you as an individual.

Principle 3 – New money.

Fair money. Old fortunes vanish. Usury stops - it is toxic and corrosive, which is why most religions ban it. Prices reflect the cost of production. Insurance and pensions are in the guarantee that no-one will be left behind. We all have an equal stake, and we will all be looked after. Rent and tax goes to your local government or corporation – you decide.

Principle 4 – Knowledge.

Free education for all at any time. The future can be one of the best doctors, the most incredible technology, the greatest scientific discovery, the most exciting period of human progress ever. All knowledge belongs to everyone.

So, that’s it. No fancy graphics, no sales pitch, no bullshit, no false promises. It’s over to you now.

Make the future you want:

  • Collective action or collective suicide?

  • Abundance or inequality?

  • Security or insecurity?

  • Surveillance or freedom?

  • Compliance or creativity?

  • Subservience or responsibility?

  • To be a grown-up or infantilised by Politicians, hierarchy and managers.

  • Health or debt?

  • War or peace?

  • A valued individual in a society or a discrete economic unit in a harsh global market?

  • Education, enlightenment, art and adventure, or longer hours working harder for less?

You choose your future. The only thing stopping you is you.

Entropy 2028.

The rest of this site has some more background, detail and thoughts so feel free to browse.

However, the important thing is that you own this. Take it, share it, discuss it, argue about it, mobilise around it.

None of us has all the answers but we all have part of the solution.

Listen more than you talk. Whether it is in our beliefs, our observations, our philosophy, our creativity, our effort or our labour. We all have something to give and lots more to learn.

If we all work together, the world and all that is in it can be yours.