Entropy and the distribution of stuff

Entropy is the blind spot, the Achilles heel, the great lie behind Capitalism.

Entropy in science is about the distribution of stuff and the energy needed to hoard it.

The air you breathe has nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water vapour and a few other gasses. Those gasses are mixed up and evenly spread out. This is a good thing. Entropy that makes that happen.

If all the oxygen suddenly ended up in one corner of the room, things there would catch fire there whist everywhere else life would suffocate. Entropy distributes stuff around evenly.

If we fight entropy to accumulate stuff, it requires a lot of energy. If we try to keep hold of that stuff it requires force and creates stress. We can extract oxygen from air and force it into bottles, but this takes a lot of energy. It also needs considerable force to overcome the urge of entropy to spread it all out again.

The same happens with any resource, including money. It takes a lot of energy to accumulate money in one place, and a great deal of force to stop it spreading back out. The energy to accumulate money cannot be mustered by one person’s labour alone. No one has ever got rich through their own labour, no matter how hard they claim to have worked. Great wealth only comes through the exploitation of other people or the exploitation of the Earth’s resources.

Capitalism and competition always proclaimed to be the route to efficiency and freedom. They failed because they ignored entropy. Instead, they just generated a lot of hot air, and delivered a fraction of what was possible and at massive cost to people and our planet.

Increasingly they are just becoming mechanisms to legitimise inequality and promote exploitation. So, capitalism and competition for profit does not drive efficiency. It just generates hot air, repression, and exploitation. In any company and even in government agencies which have been forced into the market, the vast majority of time and effort goes into writing, complying with, and enforcing contracts.

Accountants and risk managers are the gatekeepers to innovation and great ideas. Procurement departments are there to guarantee the greatest possible poverty of their suppliers. So much noise, nonsense and misguided effort for absolutely no gain to society. But worse is the interminable boredom and impediment to human progress that all this nonsense creates.

Entropy2028 offers a new relationship between people, businesses and the state. Stripping out usury and debt and replacing it with co-operative ownership which puts the producers in charge. As a producer you’ll gain genuine pride from producing great stuff or providing a fabulous service to your community. As a consumer you’ll know that what you are buying will be free from the sacrifices and exploitation of profit motive.

If we get this right - everyone will have what they need in abundance. We can create a circular society which is completely sustainable amongst flourishing nature. Capitalism has given some of us some good stuff at great expense to our souls and our planet because it ignored entropy. Cooperation can give us great stuff, abundant to everyone and for ever.

yellow fire in close up photography