Why 2028?

2028 is significant for a few reasons. It is realistically the earliest date at which the foundations can be set for Restart. That means carbon emissions under control, land and resources all back in public ownership, the necessary constitutional changes to facilitate thriving democracy in open, local government, a true global community and creative, efficient, co-operative business.

Achieving this 2028 target will require a massive physical and intellectual effort. However, the biggest challenge by far will be to change our own psychology, values, and beliefs. But that is also entirely within our own ability to achieve.

The flip side is - if we persist with our current model of society, business, and government - change will happen naturally. Nature and our finite world simply cannot afford to support us living this way. If inequality continues to grow, so will fear, tension and unhappiness on both sides.

Our society is precarious. Just-in-time food supply and distribution. Heavy reliance in imported food from countries who also face problems. Vulnerability to environmental and climatic events of our own making.

The UK, if it were self-reliant under sustainable, subsistence farming can support a population of around 3-4 million, as it was 200 years ago before the industrial revolution. We currently have a population of 70 million. Any event significant enough to disrupt food supply or other essential services for more than a few weeks could result in cascading failures.

This is not the place to discuss societal collapse, but to ignore it as a possibility is unwise. It is also entirely understandable that most people will want to avoid thinking about it. It is a terrifying prospect. What Entropy 2028 aims to offer is a way of sustaining our population safely, and building a much better and sustainable future for all of us, so that no-one needs to consider the prospect of, let alone experience the reality of, collapse.

April 2028 is a prediction for when collapse under our current trajectory will happen - but just as a point of focus. That date cannot be proved nor disproved except in hindsight. We offer no prediction about the trigger for, nor the mechanism of collapse. Our prediction may be wildly early or devastatingly late. The important thing is to not test the prediction. Let's just make a better, more sustainable society instead.

If you are drawn to consider the prospect of collapse further, be aware that this can be a very terrifying, disorienting and damaging rabbit hole to enter. You may never see the world in the same way again, and you can't unlearn what you know, so do not go there lightly. If you are already down that rabbit hole - this is a lifeline back out.

There is a very broad spectrum of collapse theories. As it hasn't happened yet - remember they are all only theories. There is also a broad spectrum of responses. These range from beautiful, creative, and supportive communities to heavily armed, hoarding, and isolating "Preppers."

The language of mutually assured destruction belongs with the mindsets of dominion, domination, exploitation, and superiority. Entropy 2028 offers an opportunity for us all to evolve well beyond all of that.

So, rather than dwell on the prospect of collapse, Entropy 2028 invites everybody from every background and belief to participate and collaborate equally in the work of avoiding collapse. It will not be easy on any level - personally, physically, psychologically or socially, but it is entirely necessary if we humans are truly to inherit the Earth.