bowl of tomatoes served on person hand

Step one - stop.

Stop. Step off the treadmill.

Breathe. Think. Plan. Organise.

2 years maximum. (or until the next election)

We can achieve more with less. We have plenty. What we lack is distribution.

First, we need to recognise the difference between what we want and what we need.

Second, we need to re-learn the first lesson from nursery school.

Third, we need to think, plan and organise for the future.

Wants and needs

We’ve always needed some basic stuff to survive: Food, air, and clean water, shelter, and clothing. In the modern world we need other stuff too: sanitation, healthcare, power, transport and communication, technology and tools. We need some of these in constant supply, and some things only when they’re broken, worn out or no-longer fit for purpose.

The things we need in constant supply are:

food, air, clean water, healthcare, sanitation and power.

Everything else – our society has sufficient of it already. Okay – it maybe not the latest, fanciest, fastest or best – but sufficient. We have enough of all this stuff to last for quite a few years, we just need to get it to the people who need it.

To make change – we need to focus on the things we need in constant supply and let go of our worries about the rest. This is the first step in taking back control.

To stop buying the stuff we don’t really need takes self-control. Once we regain control of ourselves, controlling the rest of the world will be easy.

Back to nursery

The first lesson in nursery is to share. Without sharing, kids end up fighting over resources, hoarding stuff they don’t need, fighting and bullying. Rather like today’s society, eh?

When we share what we have, we find the world is abundant. When we forget how to share, the world is insecure and threatening – whether you’re one of the ones with nothing, or one of the ones forced to constantly defend any advantage you have – little or huge.

Forgetting how to share just makes everyone unhappy. Remembering how to share is to be a grown-up, and the world needs grown-ups now more than ever. In practice, what does this mean?

Stop buying stuff. We have enough pots, pans, shirts, shoes, trousers, widgets, tools, cars, phones, gadgets, and computers to last for the next decade or so. Get your excess stuff out of storage and into the hands of people who need it. Share.

Through charity shops, swap shops, online platforms, garage sales, or simple gifts – we just need to re-learn how to ask for what we need and give what we have in excess. All we need to buy is food, water, healthcare, power, sanitation, communications.

Support local producers only. We will all need Craftspeople making good stuff from recycled and locally sourced materials so if you can - support them now.

The wider point is that we, as humans have taken enough out of the Earth already. If we re-use, re-purpose, remanufacture, recycle, refresh, maintain, find or fix stuff we have, then we can last through to re-start without having to take more out of the Earth.

We already have all the technology we need to build things better, re-use, and recycle. We also have immense resources dumped in land and in the sea to use before we need to take the tops off more mountains, or trawl the sea bed. We don't need to break the Earth to get great stuff.

In re-start, new companies will create brilliant stuff, stuff that lasts and stuff we need from what we already have at our disposal. We just need to break the flow of new stuff whose price does not match the price being paid by local communities, nature, and future generations.

Think. Plan. Organise.

In Reset, government will become local. Local first. Parliament second. No Lords, Dukes, Masters of the financial universe, or Captains of industry. Government by the people, for the people.

Money will change. Land will go back to the people to own.

We will Reset the relationship that every single person has with the society and the planet. There are some basic principles, but the detail is up to you. Think about how to do this. You need a local plan - fast. Start organising - now.

Think. Plan. Organise.

grey metal parts
gray and white long sleeve shirt