Don't Pay UK

Understandable but dangerous


8/12/2022 2 min read

Don't pay UK.

People are struggling. People are desperate. People are having to make terrible choices. These people are everywhere, in every town city and region across the country. Revolution is necessary, but we need the right target, and this needs to be at pace and scale to make a permanent difference.

Be clear - don't pay UK is dangerous. It calls on 1 million pledges to cancel direct debits in protest to rising fuel prices. Firstly - if the 1 million target is not reached, it leaves all of us looking weak and ineffectual in the eyes who would seek to profit from this crisis and we're wide open to further exploitation. If 1 million pledges are obtained some will cancel their direct debits. But make no mistake - the power of these companies, the force of their contracts which bind you and with the support of the current authorities, they will find you, penalise you, criminalise you and crush you. In the information age, there is no hiding in the crowd. In the global commodity market, your contractual pound of flesh will be mercilessly extracted from you.

The sentiment of Don't Pay is good. The method is dangerously flawed. The vulnerable will suffer most. The plan is incomplete. The ambition is far too small.

Entropy 2028 has all the same sentiments but also has the ambition and a plan.

We will take back the land and the energy and minerals under the surface. All contracts concerning our common inheritance and legacy that wealthy and powerful interests purport to control will be cancelled. They cannot sell us stuff that already belongs to us. Gas, oil and their derivatives are not theirs to sell. These companies therefore serve no purpose for us so they will fold. Their infrastructure will be all of ours to run, but we also take on full responsibility for the emissions and environmental damage this incurs.

There will be a massive concerted effort on renewable energy. New community owned energy generation will be rolled out on a massive scale. Every existing company, including renewables companies will be able to become co-operatives, run for the benefit of their workers and their communities rather than investors and shareholders.

There will be a massive programme of insulation to bring the energy needs of each house down to environmentally sustainable levels and reducing everyone's energy bills permanently whilst also improving the comfort and health of all our homes.

How will all this be paid for? Money itself will change as will the way our society works, so the question is not even relevant. It is a question from a broken system. Quite simply, we can't afford not to change that system and fix this problem for good.